Rethinking ADHD: Integrated Approaches to Helping Children at Home and at School, by Vicki Anderson and Tim Godber

16th October 2023

Rethinking ADHD was written by an Australian team of therapists and researchers and explores the thought of the social dynamics behind ADHD, the overmedication of children, what is needed to help children overcome the problem of attention deficit and what has happened in the field of mental health in recent years with respects to children, especially in relation to England and Australia.

It is probably one of the most insightful books into the causes of ADHD, and the social issues that are part of the driving force of ADHD. It leans towards that view, that is the lack of social structure and family life that is causing many children to have attentional problems and that reliance or over-reliance on medication for children with ADHD is not the wisest course. Of all the books written on ADHD, this is one of the best, for a parent or educator.

The two books that one might consider on this subject are Dr. Neves and Associates, Dr. Susan Ashley s book on the subject and for clinicians and researchers, Dr. Nigg's book, What Causes ADHD, more of an excellent reference work. Dr. Ashley's book gives good guidance for parents in the US especially. But if someone is interested in doing research for themselves and their children, Rethinking ADHD is a must.